360 Hong Kong Moments: Great Outdoors Hong Kong (2D Director Version)

360 Great Outdoors Hong Kong

FILM & VIDEO PRODUCTION (2 min 35 sec)



A sense of place - Get a 360° preview of Hong Kong's outdoors
>>>For best viewing experience in 3D<<<

Being outdoors has important effects on our mental and physical wellbeing, especially when we are active — hiking or biking, for instance. Though Hong Kong is thought of as a concrete jungle, its density means that the wild outdoors is closer to downtown streets than it is in other parts of the world so those healthy escapes are easily attained.

Once there, you can open your senses wide. Gaze back at the city skyline seen from the mountains; listen to waves crashing on remote beaches; savour the taste of local dishes that connect you with Hong Kong’s cultural heritage; take a deep breath and absorb the smells of the forest, or of drying fish and shrimp paste in a traditional village; visit shorelines where you can touch rocks that bear the scars of a volcanic past.

Engaging your senses like this is a powerful way to create shared memories with friends and family. It also shows how Hong Kong’s countryside is not a secondary attraction but rather is key to the city’s appeal.

"360 Hong Kong Moments: Great Outdoors":

- Worldwide publicity: around 2,000 media clips with over HK$300 million publicity value

- Five Senses with Five Personalities videos: reached 3.8 million

- South China Morning Post Great Outdoor co-op: over 670,000 impressions

- UK social media publicity: reached more than 7.4 million

- France publicity: generated publicity value of around HK$8 million, France social media publicity : reached more than 6 million

- Canada advertising campaign: 14.3 million impressions.

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